Water Laboratory Auditing
Case Studies
KIWA Watertec

Galway, Éire
All Accredited laboratories will, on an annual basis, be subjected to examination by external auditors; where any non-compliances (for example, incorrect interpretations of test methods), can result in the loss of a laboratory's approved status.
RAH Consultancy has had a long standing relationship with KIWA Watertec. We undertake internal auditing of their test rigs and laboratory procedures. These internal audits benefit laboratories by giving their staff valuable experience in correct procedures required in undertaking of their duties.
RAH Consultancy has had a long standing relationship with KIWA Watertec. We undertake internal auditing of their test rigs and laboratory procedures. These internal audits benefit laboratories by giving their staff valuable experience in correct procedures required in undertaking of their duties.

Mora, Sweden
RAH were asked by a leading Swedish taps and valves manufacturer to collaborate with them in attaining UK water industry approvals, particularly in relation to TMVs. To ensure that the valves can be approved by the certification body, test rigs at both the test house and the manufacturer must be the same.
RAH consultants traveled to Sweden and audited Mattsson's test facilities and procedures. It was evident that despite the high standards of the company's testing facility and staff, the interpretation of procedures was significantly different between the two test houses. Clarification by our staff resulted in significant changes to the procedures in Sweden.
RAH then advised on, and conducted round robin tests between the two laboratories and found that the results matched. Mattsson were then able to confidently go forward with their designs aware that the results of future testing would be consistent between both test facilities
RAH consultants traveled to Sweden and audited Mattsson's test facilities and procedures. It was evident that despite the high standards of the company's testing facility and staff, the interpretation of procedures was significantly different between the two test houses. Clarification by our staff resulted in significant changes to the procedures in Sweden.
RAH then advised on, and conducted round robin tests between the two laboratories and found that the results matched. Mattsson were then able to confidently go forward with their designs aware that the results of future testing would be consistent between both test facilities
Thermostatic Valve Manufacturer

RAH had been requested to help in the completion of a design project for a new thermostatic mixing valve for use in healthcare premises. This process had fallen seriously behind schedule. The company had their own internal test facilities and as part of the investigation RAH audited the test facility and the test equipment to ensure that the test methods were correctly interpreted and performed and interpreted. Having completed this audit some necessary changes were made and RAH were then able to correctly assess the performance of the product and advise the design engineer on necessary modifications.
In this instance the product design was being hampered by an incorrect interpretation of the required testing by the company's design engineer. RAH Consultancy had the expertise to swiftly identify the problem and provide a working solution.
In this instance the product design was being hampered by an incorrect interpretation of the required testing by the company's design engineer. RAH Consultancy had the expertise to swiftly identify the problem and provide a working solution.